For more information on each module click through to the content covered, learning outcomes and when it will run.* Medicines and Medical Device pathways are colour-coded (in blue and red respectively) for ease of identification. For an MSc, you may choose up to two courses from the alternative pathway to broaden your qualification and knowledge.
Module 0 - Overview of EU Regulatory Affairs
Module 1 - Strategic Planning in Regulatory Affairs
Module 2 - Regulatory Strategy for a New Active Substance: Nonclinical Development
Module 3 - Regulatory Requirements for a New Active Substance: Quality
Module 4 - Regulatory Strategy for a New Active Substance: Global Clinical Development
Module 5 - Regulatory Control of Clinical Operations
Module 6 - Regulatory Strategy: From Development to the Market Place
Module 7 - Regulatory Strategy for Established Active Substances
Module 8 - Data for Abridged Applications and Specialised Products
Module 9 - Registration of Biological, Biotechnology and Advanced Therapy Products
Module 10 - Leadership and Strategic Management in Regulatory Affairs
Module 11 - The US Regulatory Environment
Module 12 - Data Management and Digitalisation in Regulatory Affairs
Module 22 - Regulatory Requirements for Cell, Tissue & Gene Therapies
Module 13 - Principles of Medical Device Regulatory Affairs
Module 14 - Design, Development and Certification of Medical Devices
Module 15 - Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices
Module 16 - Post-Market Surveillance and Vigilance for Medical Devices
Module 17 - Regulatory Strategy in the Post-Market Phase
Module 18 - Drug-device Combinations and Other Technologies
Module 19 - Regulation of In vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
Module 20 - Regulation of Electrical, Electronic and Software Devices
Module 21 - US Regulation of Medical Devices
Module 22 - Regulatory Requirements for Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapies
You can pick the different modules you want to study. This flexibility is useful as you can choose ones you do not have experience with to broaden your knowledge”
Booking terms & conditions for the MSc Regulatory Affairs modules.
The following table outlines the scheduling for all MSc modules taking place in 2025.
*This schedule is subject to minor changes. Visit our Masterclasses page to see which modules are currently open for registration.